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Butts & Johnson Legal Blog

Workplace Risks: Knee Injuries

Many occupations run a high risk of their employees suffering from knee injuries. In many cases, minor knee pain and injures can be relieved with self-care measures, physical therapy, and knee braces. However, in some cases surgery or more serious medical care is required. In any situation, employers should be providing tools and safety measures to prevent such injures from occurring.

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Dust masks won’t work for asbestos

Employees in some occupations still see exposure to asbestos. Even though this material is not used in the majority of building products today, it was used in the first half of the 20th century. Many of these buildings are still standing today and may still contain...

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Common causes of workplace burns

Workplace injuries can occur in a number of ways. One type of injury that is often overlooked is burns. There are several ways that work-related burns can happen. Here are some of the more common causes. Burns from exposure to heat sources There are several...

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