Our Office & COVID-19 Safety
Written & Edited By: Cecily Johnson
As a Workers’ Compensation firm, we take work safety very seriously. In order to keep both our clients and staff safe during this pandemic we have had to adjust our ways of usual business. Here are some of the major updates we have made in our office*:
1. Work From Home (WFH)
At this point in time, majority of our attorneys and employees work from home. By limiting the number of people in the office, it is easier for us to maintain a large social distance. While we are working from home, Email is the most effective form of communication with our attorneys and staff.
2. Masks are Required
Everyone must be properly wearing a mask before entering our building. These same rules apply while being in our office. In the event of a broken or forgotten mask, we have single-use disposable masks available.
3. Mandatory Sign-In & Temperature Checks
Everyone that enters our office is also required to sign-in and get their temperature checked. This provides us with two helpful tools in preventing the spread of COVID-19:
1. Preventing a potentially COVID-19 positive person from making contact with our office. Anyone that has experienced symptoms of COVID-19 during the 14 day period before your appointment/general contact with our office (like a drop-off in #4 below) or have come in direct contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID-19, please call us immediately and we will reschedule your appointment for a later and safer date. Although we acknowledge that a fever and other symptoms may be due to other health factors, we are not taking any risks when it comes to our staff and clients’ health and safety
2. In the unfortunate event that one of our clients or staff members tests positive with COVID-19, our sign in sheet will be used to contact-trace and notify anyone that has potentially come in direct contact with that individual. All notifications will remain anonymous to protect the privacy of the individual. However, if you have become positive with COVID-19 within 14 days after visiting our office, please notify us immediately.
4. Limited In-Person Appointments/Drop-Offs
At this time, majority of our meetings are held via video or teleconference. However, there are some instances where a meeting or accommodations must be made in-person. For those instances, we have created a clean, designated client space (see #5 below).
We also do not allow any “drop-in”/unannounced appointments or unannounced drop-off paperwork. If you need to speak to one of our attorneys or staff members, please give us a call or send us an Email and we will be happy to set up an appointment with you as soon as possible. If you need to drop-off any paperwork or forms, give us a call beforehand and our wonderful receptionist will work out a time with you.
5. Our Clean, Designated Client Space AKA The “Zoom Room”
For the circumstances where clients must be in the office, we have converted our conference room into a “Zoom Room”. This room is sanitized before and after any usage (including chairs, computers, pens, etc.), has available laptops for video conferencing, provides protective sneeze guards, and allows for a six-foot social distance during staff-client interactions. Only one client and no more than two staff members are allowed in the room at one time. In the event that you have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 during the 14 day period before your appointment/general contact with our office (like a drop-off in #4 above) or have come in direct contact with anyone that has tested positive for COVID-19, please call us immediately and we will reschedule your appointment for a later and safer date.
As always, health and safety is our top priority. Being transparent with our pandemic-related safety protocol is essential to building a trusting relationship with our clients during these trying times. We ask that you help us slow the spread of COVID-19 by following these regulations.
*Listed are only some of the many changes we have made in the office. These protocols have and will be adjusted over time to meet the safety requirements and needs of our client and staff.
For more information about COVID-19:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Information
- World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Information
- State of California’s COVID-19 Updates & Information