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How will a hernia due to physical labor affect your income?

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2021 | Workplace Risks

Hernias are painful injuries that can limit someone’s physical capabilities and possibly lead to permanent injuries if left unaddressed. Hernias occur when organs push through the muscular tissue or cavity wall surrounding them.

Hernias can be the result of repeated strain over the years or can manifest rapidly when someone strains their muscles, often when lifting a heavy object. One of the more common forms of hernias involves digestive organs like the intestines pressing through the muscle of the abdomen.

Hernias usually involve both pain and loss of strength, as well as visible changes to the affected area. Anyone who experiences a hernia on the job will likely need to alert their manager and seek medical care immediately. What will that hernia mean for your work?

Hernias may require surgery at absolutely require rest

The severity of the hernia, its location and the kind of activity you perform on a daily basis will also inform the best treatment options in your case. Your doctor will typically recommend surgery, which is a permanent solution for recurring or severe hernias.

Generally, even if you can have surgery soon, you can expect to take multiple weeks off of work for recovery. The affected area will need a chance to rest and heal. Surgery often means a recovery period of at least two weeks after the operation without any lifting and then weight restrictions for multiple more weeks.

Some people can return to their work in under a month after a hernia operation, but they will likely have to modify the tasks that they perform until their recovery is complete.

Workers’ compensation can pay for the care you need and your time off of work

If the hernia you suffer is the result of the physical labor you do at work, even if you noticed the symptoms while not on the job, you will typically be able to file for workers’ compensation benefits. Most workers with a hernia can rely on workers’ compensation to pay for 100% of their medical costs. You can also receive disability benefits for as long as you are unable to work.

Getting the benefits you need or negotiating terms for a lump-sum workers’ compensation settlement after a hernia will often require assistance so that you don’t make mistakes in paperwork or agree to less compensation than you might actually need.